Amazingly with water in it during the mid-summer period (see below)
I've heard relatatively little of note from the island during the summer. Phillip Wells was there earlier this month and noted the following around the Metochi Lake - Black Stork (10 soaring over), Little Bittern 1, Temminck's Stint 2, Green Sandpiper 5, Bee-eater 20+, Alpine Swift 15, Masked Shrike, Great Reed Warbler. The main thing of note here is the fact that Metochi Lake has water in it! It is usually bone-dry throughout the summer, but the locals can pump water from underground sources into the lake. This clearly benefits local wildlife when they do during the dry summer months and concentrates the birds as it will be only one of a few standing freshwater areas on the island during the summer. Compare the photo above with one from August 2007 for the contrast.

The more usual state of the lake in mid-summer!

New sun shade and info board at the mouth of the River Tsiknias, Aug 08 © Phillip Wells
Those of us on the island in spring will have noted the new hides, sun shades and information boards popping up all over the place. The mouth of the River Tsiknias was being landscaoed as I left in early May and above you can see the new sun shade and board now in situ.
Other bird news
Terry Robinson reports a single Whiskered Tern and a juvenile Slender-billed Gull at the Skala Polichnitou saltpans on 13 August.
Slender-billed Gull, Skala Polichnitou saltpans, 13 Aug 08 © Terry Robinson