30 April 2010 - birds, birds, birds!
29 April 2010 - its all gone crazy!
28 April 2010 - marsh terns galore
27 April 2010 - migrants galore out west
26 April 2010 - Rain and migrants
Late news –
24 April – LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE – 9 NE over Polichnitos Saltpans at 1800h (John Bowers).
25 April – Polichnitos Saltpans area – Roller 1, Collared Pratincole 8, Black-headed Bunting 2, Red-footed Falcon 1, Curlew Sandpiper (Terry Robinson).
Today -
BOOTED EAGLE – 1 Lardia Valley (Andy & Gill Swash, Ralph & Brenda Todd)
SAVI’S WARBLER – 1 singing Metochi Lake (Andy & Gill Swash, Ralph & Brenda Todd), present since 24th (Jeff & Helen Bailey).
EASTERN BONELLI’S WARLBER – 1 singing Skala Sikaminias.
PENDULINE TIT – a pair still building a nest at Skala Eresou (MO). See Skala Eresou item below.
Skala Eresou – Penduline Tit nest is c.100m north of the road bridge viewable from along the track on the eastern side of the river. Walk up to an irrigation head (orange with round turn handle) on right and then on left look for some blue string in the chainlink fence. View the willows directly opposite from here. The nest is directly opposite on the end of a willow branch at about the height of the tallest tamarisks at this point.
Collared Pratincole 2, Curlew Sandpiper 1, Squacco Heron 20 north, Night-heron 2 north, Little Bittern 1, Yelkouan Shearwater 800+, Scopoli’s Shearwater 15.
Kalloni Saltpans (inc. flooded fields opposite saltworks entrance, etc) – Red-footed Falcon 5, Collared Pratincole 7, Marsh Sandpiper 4, Gull-billed Tern 1, Whiskered Tern 50, White-winged Black Tern 4, Garganey 7, Spoonbill 1, Ruddy Shelduck 11, Rufous Bush Robin 1, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Greenshank 20.
Alykes Wetlands – Tawny Pipit 2, Red-throated Pipit 20+, Short-toed Lark 12+, White Stork 8, Ruddy Shelduck 37.
Tsiknias River – Spoonbill 1, Temminck’s Stint 4, Wood Sandpiper 120+. Black-headed Bunting 8+. 13 Squacco Heron between river mouth and Skala Kallonis village.
Metochi Lake – Savi’s Warbler 1, Little Crake 3, Little Bittern 2, Purple Heron 1, Squacco Heron 4.
Kavaki – Ruppell’s Warbler, Orphean Warbler, Sardinian Warbler.
North Coast – Yelkouan Shearwater, Scopoli’s Shearwater, Little Gull 200+, Audouin’s Gull 1.
Kremastes (Bridge) Valley – Red-footed Falcon 40+, Montagu’s Harrier 2, Hobby 1, Purple Heron 1, red-backed Shrike 1.
Napi Valley – Red-footed Falcon 10, Lesser Kestrel 3.
Soumouria (Kalloni Scops Copse) – Scops Owl 1 roosting in tree by the blue bins.
Polichnitos Saltpans – Red-footed Falcon 2, Black Stork 1, Temminck’s Stint 1, Little Stint.
Almiropotamos River (Vatera) – Squacco Heron 20, Little Bittern 1, Purple Heron 1, Sanderling 1.
Achladeri – Kruper’s Nuthatch 2, Masked Shrike, Red-backed Shrike 2.
Meladia Valley – Roller 1, Collared Flycatcher 1, Icterine Warbler 1, Red-backed Shrike 3, Golden Oriole 2.
Ipsilou – Collared Flycatcher 1, Golden Oriole 15, Wood Warbler 20+.
Faneromeni – Collared Flycatcher 1, Eleanora’s Falcon 1, White-winged Black Tern 1, Purple Heron 4, Temminck’s Stint 2.
Sigri Fields – Lesser Kestrel 60, Montagu’s Harrier 2, Lesser Grey Shrike 2.
Voulgaris River (Ancient Antissa) – Purple Heron 2, Night-heron 8, Squacco Heron 2, Golden Oriole 2.
Alikoudi Pool – Whiskered Tern 3, Citrine Wagtail 1.
Upper Tsiknias River - Levant Sparrowhawk 1 (took swallow).
Molivos - Eleanora's Falcon 2.
25 April 2010 - breeding Penduline Tits and big eagles
PENDULINE TIT – a pair building a nest at Skala Eresou (MO). See Skala Eresou item below.
GREAT SPOTTED EAGLE – one over Molivos at c.1900h (Steven Wytema et al).
IMPERIAL EAGLE – one Pithariou Reservoir on and off for c. 15 mins between 1635-1650h (Steve Dudley et al).
LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE – one between Eresos and Ipsilou mid-afternoon (Steven Wytema et al).
Skala Eresou – Penduline Tit nest is c.100m north of the road bridge viewable from along the track on the eastern side of the river. Walk up to an irrigation head (orange with round turn handle) on right and then on left look for some blue string in the chainlink fence. View the willows directly opposite from here. The nest is directly opposite on the end of a willow branch at about the height of the tallest tamarisks at this point.
Night-heron 48, Purple Heron 2 (inc. a flock of 39 Night-heron and 2 Purple Heron in off the sea at c.1445), Little Bittern 2, Whiskered Tern 11 north, Lesser Kestrel 3.
Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint - Levant Sparrowhawk 1.
Perasma - Great Spotted Cuckoo 1.
Ipsilou – Ortolan Bunting 1, Collared Flycatcher male, Red-footed Falcon 2, many Wood Warblers, Cinereous Bunting 15+, several Pied Flycatcher 20+, Spotted Flycatcher 8, Golden Oriole 20+, Long-legged Buzzard, Short-toed Eagle, Isabelline Wheatear, Chukar, etc.
Skala Kallonis Pool – Great Bittern 1, Common Snipe 1.
Metochi Lake – Spotted Crake, Purple Heron, Little Bittern, Little Crake, Black Stork, Short-toed Eagle, Long-legged Buzzard, White Stork 8.
Kalloni Saltpans (inc. flooded fields) – Pallid Harrier male, Rufous Bush Robin 1, Gull-billed Tern 1, Temminck’s Stint 3, Whiskered Tern 40, Tawny Pipit 1, Black-tailed Godwit 1.
Meladia Valley – Roller 1, Icterine 1, Golden Oriole 2.
Tsiknias River – Temminck’s Stint 2, Wood Sandpiper 132+, Mediterranean Gull 2, Collared Pratincole 4, White-winged Black Tern 2.
Kavaki – Ruppell’s Warbler 3 prs, Orphean Warbler 2, Sardinian Warbler 2, Yelkouan Shearwater 10+, Scopoli’s Shearwater 3, Bottle-nosed Dolphin 3, MEDITERRANEAN MONK SEAL 1.
North Coast – Ortolan Bunting 1, Audouin’s Gull 1, Yelkouan Shearwater many, Scopoli’s Shearwater 2.
Sigri area – Lesser Kestrel 18.
Polichnitos Saltpans area – Roller 1, Collared Pratincole 8, Black-headed Bunting 2, Red-footed Falcon 1, Curlew Sandpiper.
24 April 2010 - Another eagle day
23 April 2010 - Lesser Spotted Eagle
22 April 2010 - Spur-winged Plover
21 April 2010 - more common migrants
20 April 2010 - migrants trickle through
19 April 2010 - good out west
16 - 18 April - Scops Owls perform at the Scops Copse
Volcano stops play

A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos - now available on Lesvos
A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos is now available on the island. You will find copies for sale at the Hotel Pasiphae (Skala Kallonis) plus increasing numbers of other hotels and visitor outlets across the island from 20 April 2010.
15 April - Citrine Wagtails arrive
14 April - Calandra Lark

Kalloni Saltpans (floods) - Little Crake 2.
Hotel Pasiphae, Skala Kalloni - Long-eared Owl 2 (Shena & John Maskell)
Mesa - Ruddy Shelduck, Purple Heron, Black Stork (Shena & John Maskell)
5 - 13 April update - inc. Finsch's Wheatear
Kavaki - Ruppell's Warbler 2 males on territory, Orphean Warbler 1.
Almiropotamos River – Orphean Warbler 1, Red-rumped Swallow 1, Hen Harrier 3, Cretzschmar's Bunting 1.
Kalloni Saltpans - Red-throated Pipit 4, Black-headed Wagtail 10, SYKE'S WAGTAIL 1, Glossy Ibis 20, Squacco Heron, Ruddy Shelduck 2, Black Stork, Short-toed Eagle (Andy Stoddart).
12 April 2010
Skala Eresou - Purple Heron 1, Black-headed Wagtail 10, Blue-headed Wagtail, Lesser Kestrel 3 (Andy Stoddart)
11 April 2010
Nifida - Temminck's Stint 1, Marsh Sandpiper 6, Wood Sandpiper 2, Black-eared Wheatear 2, Spanish Sparrow 1, Subalpine Warbler 1, Tawny Pipit 1, Cretzschmar's Bunting 1 (Terry Robinson).
Andissa - Isabelline Wheatear 1, Serin 2 (Andy Stoddart).
10 April 2010
Polichnitos Saltpans – MERLIN 1 ad male, Marsh Sandpiper 42, Ruff 53, Whinchat 1 (Terry Robinson).
Metochi Lake - Night-heron 5, Little Crake 3, Masked Shrike 1 (Nikos Probonas et al).
Skala Eresou - Purple Heron 12, Night-heron, Black-headed Wagtail (feldegg), Blue-headed Wagtail (flava), Grey-headed Wagtail (thunbergi), 'Romanian Wagtail (dombrowski) (Andy Stoddart).
9 April 2010
Kalloni Saltpans - Ruddy Shelduck 65, Pintail 3, Garganey 27, Glossy Ibis 155, Squacco Heron 1, Purple Heron 1, Curlew 1, Spotted Redshank 13, Marsh Sandpiper 36, Pallid Swift 1, Short-toed Lark 2, Spanish Sparrow 9 (Nikos Probonas et al).
Almiropotamos River – Orphean Warbler 1, Wood Sandpiper 2 (Terry Robinson).
Meladia Valley - Cinereous Bunting, Orphean Warbler 2, Ruddy Shelduck 2, Lesser Kestrel 2, Northern Wheatear 6, Black Stork, Short-toed Eagle (Andy Stoddart).
Skala Eresou - Garganey 4.
8 April 2010

FINSCH’S WHEATEAR, a male at Ipsilou (Nikos Probonas, Thanos Kastritis, et al). This is only the second confirmed record for Lesvos, and only the third record for Greece (although we are following up several reports from 1998-2001). Photo © Thanos Kastritis
Ipsilou - Long-legged Buzzard 1, Raven 1, Finsch's Wheatear 1 (above), Black-eared Wheatear 1, Isabelline Wheatear 1, Blue Rock-thrush 1 (Nikos Probonas et al).
Vigla, nr Ipsilou - Isabelline Wheatear 4 (Nikos Probonas et al).
Vergias River, Skala Eresou - Jack Snipe 1, Purple Heron 1, Wood Sandpiper 1 (Nikos Probonas et al).
Kalloni Saltpans - Ruddy Shelduck 44, Pintail 3, Garganey 28, Glossy Ibis 4, Squacco Heron 2, Pallid Harrier 1, Curlew 1, Spotted Redshank 16, Marsh Sandpiper 29, Short-toed Lark 7, Spanish Sparrow 1 (Nikos Probonas et al).
Eximnos, Mesotopos - Cinereous Bunting 3, Cretzschmar's Bunting 3, Short-toed Eagle 2, Alpine Swift 1, Chukar 2.
Almiropotamos River – Montagu’s Harrier 1, Hen Harrier 3, Kingfisher 1 (Terry Robinson).
Skala Eresou - Little Bittern (Andy Stoddart).
Ipsilou to Sigri - Rock Sparrow, Lesser Kestrel 30, Isabelline Wheatear 2, Gull-billed Tern, Short-toed Eagle, Hen Harrier 3, Chukar, Orphean Warbler, Purple Heron, Western Rock Nuthatch (Andy Stoddart).
7 April 2010
Skala Eresou - Purple Heron 2, Lesser Kestrel, Black-headed Wagtail (feldegg), Blue-headed Wagtail (flava), Grey-headed Wagtail (thunbergi) (Andy Stoddart).
6 April 2010
Almiropotamos River - Little Crake 1, Squacco Heron 1, Purple Heron 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Sedge Warbler 1, Woodchat Shrike 2, Northern Wheatear 1, Long-legged Buzzard, Goshawk, Raven (Terry Robinson).
Achladeri - Kruper's Nuthatch 2, Long-tailed Tit 2 (Andy Stoddart).
Kalloni Saltpans - Gull-billed Tern 50, Glossy Ibis 180, Purple Heron 2, Squacco Heron, Ruddy Shelduck 7, Garganey 10 (Andy Stoddart).
5 April 2010
Meladia Valley - GREATER SPOTTED EAGLE 1, Isabelline Wheatear, Cinereous Bunting, Little Crake, Sombre Tit, 2 Purple Herons, Tawny Pipit, Red-throated Pipit, Orphean Warbler 3, Black-headed Wagtail 10, Chukar 2,Subalpine Warbler (Andy Stoddart).
Spring 2010 daily updates
My own daily updates from the island will commence on 20 Apr (through to 12 May), but I rely on people passing on their own sightings to produce the daily summaries. I aim to have the website updated between 11-12pm each evening (local time). If you are on the island earlier or later than me, then I need your records all the more!
LESVOS BIRDING LOG at the Hotel Pasiphae, Skala Kallonis
I (and other birders) should be around the Hotel Pasiphae bar most evenings from around 10-10.30pm to c.11.30pm for a drink and chat. Failing that I can usually be found at the Dionysos taverna in Skala Kallonis between 8-10pm.
What info should you include?
Records of all the scarcer and rare species (see checklist), movements of any raptors or herons, large numbers of crakes, large falls of commoner species, etc. are all wanted. Updates on breeding activity of Krupers Nuthatch are also helpful.
4 April - another Spotted Eagle!

Meladia Valley - Cinereous Bunting, Orphean Warbler, Nothern Wheatear, Short-toed Eagle, Lesser Kestrel, Hen Harrier 4, Rock Nuthatch (Andy Stoddart).
3 April - Another Spotted Eagle, Savi's Warbler and Sykes' Wagtail

2 April - Rüppell’s Warbler and much more!

Polichnitos Saltpans - Pintail 1, Hen Harrier 2, Marsh Harrier 1, Marsh Sandpiper 4, Ruff 2, Little Ringed Plover 21, Avocet 6, Woodchat Shrike 1 (Terry Robinson).
Skala Eresou - Glossy Ibis 30, Black-headed Wagtail 6, Lesser kestrel 6, Nigh-heron 12, Goshawk, Alpine Swift 5, Mediterranean Gull, Red-rumped Swallow 10, Scops Owl 2 (Andy Stobbart).