White-throated Robin, Ipsilou, 13 May 2011

Local school visits environmental centre

On 17 May, 5th and 6th graders from Daphia School (near Skala Kallonis) were taken on a field trip birdwatching with local birder and environmentalist Eleni Galinou along the Christou/Kamares River, followed by a visit to the new Kalloni Environmental Centre in Skala Kallonis. The children also took part in a beach cleanup (applauded by several birders who witnessed it!) along the Skala Kallonis beach which was followed by a free lunch at the Kalloni Bay Hotel.

Rose-coloured Starlings

Rose-coloured Starling, Polichnitos Saltpans, 19 May 2011 © Terry Robinson
Bird news update - to 21 May
Black-throated Diver – 1 offshore at Alykes Wetlands 6 May.
Cattle Egret * – 1 still Kalloni area still to at least 7 May (only five recently accepted records).

Cattle Egret (with Little Egrets), flooded fields by Kalloni Saltpans works entrance, 6 May 2011 © Mike Sveikutis
Dalmatian Pelican –singles Kalloni Saltpans on 5 & 10 May, with four there on 8 May; 1 Mesa 10 May (same as saltpans?).
Griffon Vulture * – 1 Pithariou Reservoir 9 May, 1 Upper Napi Valley 13 May.

Griffon Vulture, Upper Napi Valley, 13 May 2011 © Mike Sveikutis
Booted Eagle – 1 dark phase Tsiknias River 7 May.
Bonelli’s Eagle – 1 Madaros 10 May.
Lesser Spotted Eagle – 1 Napi Valley 6 May.
Black Kite – 1 still Ipsilou area 7 May.
Pallid Harrier – 1 Meladia Valley 8 May.
Baillon’s Crake – 1 Metochi Lake 7-8 May.
Spur-winged Plover - 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 19 May.
Broad-billed Sandpiper – 1 Faneromeni 11 May.
Great Snipe – 1 Kalloni Saltpans 8 May.
Black-winged Pratincole * – 1 reported Kalloni Saltpans 14 May (only several documented records)
Arctic Tern * – 1 Tsiknias River mouth 26 April (only one previous record).
Caspian Gull * – 1 reported Tsiknias River 23 April (no previous records).
Mediterranean Gull – 150 Petra 5-6 May.
Isabelline Wheatear – a migrant bird Kavaki 30 April.
Rufous Bush-robin – 1 Madaros 11 May.
Thrush Nightingale – 1 Kavaki 30 April.
White-throated Robin - fem Ipsilou 13 May.

White-throated Robin, Ipsilou, 13 May 2011 © Wulf & Eva Kappes
Icterine Warbler – 12 Ipsilou 8 May.
River Warbler – 1 Kavaki 11 May.
Marsh Warbler - 1 Polichntos Saltpans 21 May.
Paddyfield Warbler * – the third claim of the spring of one Potamia Valley 6 May (no previous records).
Rose-coloured Starling - reported from 17 May - 40 at Kavaki and up to 20 Tsiknias River 17 May; 30 near Kalloni Saltpans and 20 Napi Valley 20 May; 1 Polichnitos Saltpans 19 May.
Lesser Grey Shrike – 1 Skala Kallonis 5 May (first record of the spring – very late coming in this year)
Also, a Monk Seal seen at Molivos on 3 May and a certain Sperm Whale in Gulf of Kalloni on 8 May.
* = full description required by LBRC or HRC.
Records recently 'withdrawn' - Bar-tailed Godwit, Oriental Pratincoles, Pied Wheatear, Italian Sparrow, Yellowhammer.
5 May 2011 - Lesvos Birding has left the island
I left for Dadia Mountains and Lake Kerkini today - arrived to more rain than Lesvos has seen the last month!
Again, many thanks to all those who have shared their sightings with me or in the Lesvos Birding Log at the Hotel Pasiphae. Keep the records coming - all are needed for the 2011 annual report.
Cheers, Steve.
4 May 2011 - Bimac and Bee-eaters!
A mixed day with grey skies and showers in the central areas, but those who headed west faired better with an overcast morning and a brilliantly sunny afternoon. Wind swung round to the NW by the end of the day.
Bird-wise, the west was was hoochin' with warblers and Spotted Flycatchers with a few other nicities thrown in for good measure. But two Bimaculated Larks seen flying on off the sea were the show stealers - alas seen by only the finder - and constitute the first record for Lesvos.
My last day, off to Dadia Mountains and Kerkini tomorrow. Many, many thanks to all those who have shared their sightings with me or in the Lesvos Birding Log at the Hotel Pasiphae. Keep the records cominh - all are needed for the 2011 annual report. Cheers, Steve.
Environment Centre - see here.
No sign of yesterday's Great Great Shrike near Vouvaris River.

3 May 2011 - Great Grey Shrike
2 May 2011 - more Semi-collared Flys

Another mixed day with low cloud clearing to bright sunshine and scattered showers. A relatively quiet day. More migrants evident in the west and two unidentified eagles over Napi early afternoon. Three Black Kites now between Ipsilou and Andissa.
Environment Centre - see here.
1 May 2011 - Black Kites but otherwise quiet
I spoke too soon! A cooler day with overcast skies, scattered showers and fresh south-easterly breeze (gale force on Ipsilou!).
If we thought there were more birds around yesterday, there sure wasn't today. A few new bits and bobs, but nothing too startling.
Late news - yesterday a female Ferruginous Duck on pool at the far eastern end of Alykes Wetlands (also Gargeney).
Environment Centre - see here.