27 May 08 - Citrine Wagtail
nr Skala Vasilikon - Olive Tree Warbler 1, Fan-tailed Warbler 1 (Tony Hardware).
Reporting your sightings
Please send me your records, direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See here for further information.
Your Lesvos bird records for 2008
Greek national rarities
Scarce passage and breeding migrants
Out of range (for the island) breeding/territory records
Any confirmed breeding records (all species)
Greek national rarities
The Hellenic Rarities Committee have asked me to request on their behalf, descriptions of Greek national rarities reported from Lesvos this spring. All sightings of the following species (known to be reported this spring) -
Cattle Egret
Imperial Eagle
Black-winged Pratincole
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater (lots of them!)
Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch
Plus any other species listed by HRC in their previous reports (see here).
Please report your records to HRC here.
Scarce passage and breeding migrants
In addition, I am collating records of scarcer migrants. Please supply details of the following species in particular (also any species down as scarce passage migrant (sPM) or scarce migrant breeder (sMB) on the list here) –
Great Bittern
Little Bittern
Purple Heron
Glossy Ibis
Black Kite
All vultures
All eagles apart from Short-toed Eagle (Imperial Eagle records to HRC as above)
Pallid Harrier
Montagu's Harrier
Hen Harrier
Levant Sparrowhawk
Eleanora's Falcon
All crakes
Collared Pratincole
Spur-winged Plover
Great Snipe
Great Spotted Cuckoo
Citrine Wagtail
Rufous Bush Chat
Thrush Nightingale
(Rufous-tailed) Rock Thrush
River Warbler
Savi’s Warbler
Marsh Warbler
Olive Tree Warbler (away from known breeding sites)
Barred Warbler
Sardinian Warbler
Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler (away from known breeding sites)
Red-breasted Flycatcher
Semi-collared Flycatcher
Collared Flycatcher
Penduline Tit
Lesser Grey Shrike
Please submit these records (species, number, date, location, observer, notes) either direct to me at (steve at toadsnatcher dot com) or via OrnithoTopos.
Out of range breeding/territory records (e.g. Cinereous Bunting) or confirmed breeding records (e.g. feeding young, fledged young, etc) of any species, can be submitted via OrnithoTopos or sent to me direct at (steve at toadsnatcher dot com) .
Many thanks in advance.
24 May 08 - Rose-coloured Starlings
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge.
Reporting your sightings
Please send me your records, direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See here for further information.
22 May 08 - Blue-cheeked Bee-eater
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See here for further information.
Mediterranean Monk Seal
Having just recalled it, I've now identified it as a Mediterranean Monk Seal. Now this is a rare beast, with only around 400 animals in total, half of which are known to reside in the Aegean Sea.
If you've seen a Med Monk Seal off Lesvos I'd love to hear from you.
Email - steve at toadsnatcher dot com.
20 May 08 - another Blue-cheeked Bee-eater!
Kalloni 'bandstand' raptor watchpoint - LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE 1, Eleanora's Falcon 12.
Parakila Marsh - CITRINE WAGTAIL 1 male, Rose-coloured Starling 30+
Tsiknias River - Rose-coloured Starling 100+.
Kalloni Saltpans - White Stork 10, Whiskered Tern 1.
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See here for further information.
18 May 08 - Griffon Vulture & Lesser Spotted Eagle
Kalloni 'bandstand' raptor watchpoint - LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE 1, White Stork 7.
Skala Eresou - Purple Heron 1, Eleanora's Falcon 1.
Sigri - Rose-coloured Starling 200+
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge and Hotel Pasiphae for sending me copies of their bird log.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See here for further information.
17 May 08 - Black-winged Pratincoles
Sigri/Eresson road junction - ROLLER 1.
Faneromeni area- Rose-coloured Starling 100+.
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See here for further information.
16 May 08 - bird news update
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See here for further information.
15 May 08 - more Roses
Kalloni Saltpans - BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER 1, Glossy Ibis 5, Red-footed Falcon 11, Gull-billed Tern 2, Mediterranen Gull 1, Grey Plover 4, Curlew 1, Turnstone 1.
Metochi Lake - Rose-coloured Starling 12.
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge and Hotel Pasiphae for sending me copies of their bird log.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See here for further information.
14 May 08 - Imperial Eagle and Roses
Kalloni Saltpans - Rose-coloured Starling 12, Spoonbill 1.
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge and those entering their records in the Hotel Pasiphae bird log, and to Hotel Pasiphae for forwarding me the records each evening.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See here for further information.
13 May 08 - bird news
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge and those entering their records in the Hotel Pasiphae bird log, and to Hotel Pasiphae for forwarding me the records each evening.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See the HRC website if you think you have seen a nationally rare species requiring a description. A rarity description form can also be download from the site.
12 May 08 - another Blue-cheeked Bee-eater!
Tsiknias River - River Warbler 1 (lower), Rufous Bush Chat 1 (upper).
Kalloni Saltpans - Gull-billed Tern 7.
Meladia River Ford - Little Bittern 1, Ruddy Shelduck pr with 5 young.
Platania - Eleanora's Falcon 2.
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge and those entering their records in the Hotel Pasiphae bird log, and to Hotel Pasiphae for forwarding me the records each evening.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See the HRC website if you think you have seen a nationally rare species requiring a description. A rarity description form can also be download from the site.
11 May 08 - bird news
Meladia River Ford - PALLID SWIFT 10+, Red-breasted Flycatcher 1.
Madaros - ROLLER 1 c.200 yrds south of dead goat bit by 'small lake'.
Kalloni Bay - 25+ Black Storks reported at 8.30pm.
Sigri - River Warbler 1, Night-heron 1.
Achladeri - Kruper's Nuthatch still actively feeding young, Long-eared Owl 2 juvs.
Thanks to Duncan Walbridge and those entering records in Hotel Pasiphae bird log.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island last week and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See the HRC website if you think you have seen a nationally rare species requiring a description. A rarity description form can also be download from the site.
10 May 08 - bird news
Check 8th and 9th for further records added this evening.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island today and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to - Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
Reporting nationally rare birds seen on Lesvos
Like BBRC in Britain, Greece has the Hellenic Rarities Committee. Records of all nationally rare species need to be submitted to the HRC. From this years bag full of goodies, this includes all records of Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, Great Snipe, Cattle Egret, Steppe Eagle, Scarlet (Common) Rosefinch, etc. See the HRC website if you think you have seen a nationally rare species requiring a description. A rarity description form can also be download from the site.
9 May 08 - Magpie!
Mandamodos - MAGPIE (fourth Lesvos record).
Nr Kalloni - GRIFFON VULTURE 3 over.
Skalla Kallonis Pool - CATTLE EGRET (since yesterday)
Other reports today (from Hotel Pasiphae bird log) -
Agia Paraskevi - IMPERIAL EAGLE 'juv' (presumably means non-adult) over.
Platania - OLIVE TREE WARBLER 6+ at cattle grid site.
Faneromeni - Red-breasted Flycatcher 2.
Reporting your sightings
Please keep the records coming in and help keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Send your records direct to me by -
Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Text 00447767787287
8 May 08 - update
Fine and sunny.
Today's highlights -
Sadly, very little reported for today.
Kalloni Saltpans - SPUR-WINGED PLOVER 2, Osprey 1, Black Tern 10, Red-footed Falcon 11, Collared Pratincole 5, Lesser Grey Shrike 1.
Skala Kallonis - River Warbler 2 (one by west end of pool, other by Pasiphae Hotel).
Tsiknias River - Grey Plover 4, Whiskered Tern 1.
Metochi - Little Bittern, Night-heron.
Reporting your sightings
I left the island today and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Again, thanks to everyone who has supplied reocrds over the last three weeks. I know from feedback from birders coming out here the updates have been greatly appreciated by many. I'd like pay particular thanks to Bob Buckler, Wingspan Bird Tours, for his help and enthusiasm over the last few weeks.
7 May 08 - Egyptian Vultures!
heavy rain overnight continued until mid morning and the overcast sky eventually cleared to give a sunny laste afternoon and evening.
Today's highlights -
Nr Ipsilou - EGYPTIAN VULTURE 2 together to north c. noon.
Kalloni Saltpans - PALLID HARRIER 1 (1st sum fem), SPUR-WINGED PLOVER 2, Osprey 1, Gull-billed Tern 1, White-winged Black Tern 22, Black Tern 2, Red-footed Falcon 12, Little Stint 210+, Ruff 230+, Curlew Sandpiper 60+.
Nr Eressos - BLACK KITE 1.
Ipsilou - Rock Sparrow 5.
Faneromeni - Lesser Grey Shrike 1, Bee-eater 40.
Old Sigri Sanatorium - Rufous Bush Chat 2, Lesser Grey Shrike 1.
Alykes Wetlands - Citrine Wagtail 1, Collared Pratincole 7, Ringed Plover 15, Spotted Redshank 1.
Skamnioudi Pool - Temminck's Stint 1, Little Stint 24, Ruff 36, Wood Sandpiper 70+, Goshawk imm male.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Eleanora's Falcon 1, Little Stint 160+, Curlew Sandpiper 52, Grey Plover 1, Black Stork 1.
Almiropodamos River - Little Bittern 1, Ortolan Bunting 1, Serin 1.
Tsiknias River - Slender-billed Gull 3, Temminck's Stint 5, Black Stork 2, Grey Plover 4.
Nr Polichnitos Saltpans - Roller 2.
Meladia River Ford - Roller 1, Marsh Warbler 2, Icterine Warbler 2, Rufous Bush Chat 2.
Metochi - Little Bittern 6+, Hobby 1.
Reporting your sightings
I leave the island tomorrow and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
steve at toadsnatcher dot com
Thanks to everyone who has supplied reocrds over the last three weeks. I know from feedback from birders coming out here the updates have been greatly appreciated by many.
I've been told of some of the funny bird names that have crept in over the weeks. Its sometimes hard typing anf holding three converdations at once!
6 May 08 - Broad-billed Sandpiper
Finsch's and Pied Wheatears
There are reports of both Finsch's and Pied Wheatears each year and those followed up invariably turn out to be black-and-white Black-eared Wheatears. This year seems to be particuarly noteworthy for such reports and all have so far turned out to be BEWs. If anyone has any photographs to support claims of either of these two species please come forward. Email steve at toadsnatcher dot com.
Weather: fine and settled withvirtually no wind. Max temp. c. 28 C.
A fresh influx of waders brought in a Broad-billed Sandpiper this evening. Today's Imperial Eagle sighting, seen by the same observer as last week (at the same location), is now thought to be just one bird accounting for all records (confirmed/probables) over the last week (inc. yesterdays two sightings).
Todays highlights -
Kalloni Bandstand - IMPERIAL EAGLE 1 over mid-morning. It is now thought that one bird accounts for all the sightings on the island this spring.
Kalloni Saltpans - BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER 1 in evening, SPUR-WINGED PLOVER 2 (turn right at south-west corner bend, birds in little sheep enclosure and field on left), Marsh Sandpiper 1, Collared Pratincole 5, Red-footed Falcon 9, White-winged Black Tern 11, Whiskered Tern 3, Black Tern 2, Black Stork 2, Curlew 2, Temminck's Stint 2, Little Stint 400+, Ruff 220+, Curlew Sandpiper 85+, Montagu's Harrier 1.
Tsiknias River - BONELLI'S EAGLE 1 to west, LEVANT SPARROWHAWK 2 (m&f) to north, Ruppell's Warbler 2 singing males along upper section. River Warbler 1 singing along upper section.
Sigri - European Nightjar 3, Scops Owl 2.
Skala Kallonis Pool - Little Bittern 1, Squacco Heron 2 (feeding 3 small young).
Achladeri - Kruper's Nuthatch young now hatched (prob. this morning). Just beyond the white building in the car park, look to left for tall pointed tree stump with electric cables coming off either side. Nest in bottom of the gash at the top of the stump. No sign of Long-eared Owls in recent days. Masked Shrike nesting nearby.
Platania - Olive Tree Warbler 6+ now around the 'cattle grid' site.
Lardia Valley – Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler 1, holding territory at eastern end. West of Vatousa park at eastern end of valley in ‘chalky’ coloured pull-in on right with small wooden gate. Walk west for three telegraph poles to small pool. Bird is in this area but can get to opposite side of valley. Rock Sparrow nesting in Rock Nuthatch nest on rocky outcrop on right from the pull-in.
Kalloni Mini Soccer – Scops Owl 1 - bird still in the fifth roadside tree from the mini soccer pitch entrance but can only be seen from along the road or safer(!) from the track opposite the soccer pitch entrance. It is c.7m up the tree and quote difficult to see.
Mylopotamos River (East East River) - Goshawk imm male chasing Turtle Doves through olive groves.
Thanks to everyone for their records and for those who enter their records in the Hotel Pasiphae bird log.
Printed copies of the daily Lesvosbirding.com summaries are also on reception at the Hotel Pasiphae by the bird log. Please do not remove them. Thanks. Anyone wanting a printed copy of any daily summary should ask at the hotel reception.
5 May 08 - Another big bird day
Weather: overnight rain gave way to a short-lived overcast morning but fine and sunny by mid-morning with scattered cloud. Moderate north-westerly wind. Max temp. c. 25 C.
Ipsilou - GRIFFON VULTURE 1 mid-morning (8th island record and first since 2002), IMPERIAL EAGLE over mid-afternoon (see Andissa below), Collared Flycatcher 4, Red-breasted Flycatcher 2, Thrush Nightingale 3, Icterine Warbler 2, Honey-buzzard 1, Marsh Warbler 6+, plus loads of common migrants inc. Red-backed Shrikes, Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroas, etc.
Polichnitos Saltpans - BLUE-CHEEKED BEE-EATER 1.
Nr Andissa - IMPERIAL EAGLE being mobbed by 3 Long-legged Buzzards mid-morning.
Meladia River Ford area - PALLID SWIFT 110+, Collared Flycatcher 1, Red-breasted Flycatcher 2, Olive Tree Warbler 1, Thrush Nightingale 1, Citrine Wagtail 2, Tawny Pipit 2, Ortolan Bunting 1, Little Bittern 1, Red-backed Shrike 30+, Lesser Grey Shrike 3.
Faneromeni area - CITRINE WAGTAIL 1, ROLLER 2, Eleanora's Falcon 1.
Skala Eresou - CITRINE WAGTAIL 1, Eleanora's Falcon 1 pale bird, Garganey 5 on sea, Squacco Heron 2.
Between Efthalou & Skala Sikaminias - LANNER1, Audouin's Gull 4.
Nr Sikaminia - LEVANT SPARROWHAWK 1 (fem).
Sigri Old Sanitorium - Rufous Bush Chat 2.
Lardia Valley – Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler 1, holding territory at eastern end. West of Vatousa park at eastern end of valley in ‘chalky’ coloured pull-in on right with small wooden gate. Walk west for three telegraph poles to small pool. Bird is in this area but can get to opposite side of valley. Rock Sparrow nesting in Rock Nuthatch nest on rocky outcrop on right from the pull-in.
Kalloni Mini Soccer – Scops Owl 1 - bird still in the fifth roadside tree from the mini soccer pitch entrance but can only be seen from along the road or safer(!) from the track opposite the soccer pitch entrance. It is c.7m up the tree and quote difficult to see.
Achladeri - Kruper's Nuthatch still showing well.
Mesotopos - no sign of yesterday's two Olive Tree Warblers just south of the Eko garage.
Thanks to everyone for their records and for those who enter their records in the Hotel Pasiphae bird log.
Printed copies of the daily Lesvosbirding.com summaries are also on reception at the Hotel Pasiphae by the bird log. Please do not remove them. Thanks.
4 May 08 - Olive Tree Warblers back in
The seasonal pool by the Kalloni Saltworks entrance is now dry and other small pools disappearing fast (not been to or heard about the Alykes Wetlands). River levels still OK.
The Spur-winged Plover was unfortunately flushed by a photographer who entered an enclosed field. A reminder, if an area is fenced DO NOT ENTER. Enter only areas with open gates, keep to field edges and keep out of crops and groves.
Weather: fine and sunny with light northerly wind strengthening during afternoon. Max. temp c. 25 C.
Some additional news for yesterday, a singing Barred Warbler and Thrush Nightingale near Andissa.
Today’s highlights -
Kalloni Saltpans – PALLID HARRIER 1 (fem north c. 4.30 pm), SPUR-WINGED PLOVER 1 (seen to be flushed by a photographer in morning and not seen since), Osprey 1, Red-footed Falcon 6, White-winged Black Tern 11, Whiskered Tern 1, Temminck’s Stint 4, Spotted Redshank 2, Curlew Sandpiper 50+, Little Stint 50+, Ruff 465+.
Napi Valley - OLIVE TREE WARBLER 3 at roadside barrier site below masts at north end of valley.
Platania – OLIVE TREE WARBLER now 5+ at the cattle grid site, Golden Oriole 2. Between Napi Road and cattle grid 09.00 – 11.30 am - Thrush Nightingale 1, Honey-buzzard 1, Black Stork 5, Red-footed Falcon 8, Ortolan Bunting 4, Red-backed Shrike 6+ plus stacks of commons stuff such as Hoopoe, Masked Shrike, Orphean Warbler, Woodlark, etc.
Tsiknias River – RUPPELL’S WARBLER male singing (Upper Valley), Lesser Grey Shrike 1, Black Stork 1 (caught and ate a snake), Mediterranean Gull 2 (ads), White-winged Black Tern 2, Stone-curlew 1.
Meladia River Ford area - PALLID SWIFT 3, RUFOUS BUSH ROBIN 1, ROLLER 1, Little Bittern 1, Yelkuoun Shearwater c. 3000+ per hour at one point, still lots of migrants inc. Spotted Flycacther, Black-headed Bunting, Pied Flycatcher, Whinchat, Bee-eater, Turtle Dove.
Faneromeni - Red-breasted Flycatcher (along track up from ford).
Parikoila Marsh – Purple Heron 1, Black Stork 1.
Skala Eresou – Lesser Grey Shrike 1.
Lardia Valley – Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler 1, holding territory at eastern end. West of Vatousa park at eastern end of valley in ‘chalky’ coloured pull-in on right with small wooden gate. Walk west for three telegraph poles to small pool. Bird is in this area but can get to opposite side of valley. Rock Sparrow nesting in Rock Nuthatch nest on rocky outcrop on right from the pull-in.
Kalloni Mini Soccer – Scops Owl 1 - bird still in the fifth roadside tree from the mini soccer pitch entrance but can only be seen from along the road or safer(!) from the track opposite the soccer pitch entrance. It is c.7m up the tree and quote difficult to see.
Thanks to everyone for their records and for those who enter theirs in the Hotel Pasiphae bird log.
3 May 08 - More Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters!

Weather: fine and sunny with strengthening northerly wind during afternoon. Max. temp c.28 C.
Today’s highlights -
Ipsilou – IMPERIAL EAGLE 1 sub-adult over to north in morning.
Kalloni Bandstand – BLUE-CHEEKED BEE-EATER 1 to west at 10.20am, Goshawk 1.
Meladia River Ford – BLUE-CHEEKED BEE-EATER 7 – single flock north at 6.45 pm. Large movement of hirundines through and European Bee-eaters 60+ all to north. Rufous Bush Chat 1 (m), Collared Flycatcher 1 (f at chapel), Icterine Warbler 1, Marsh Warbler 1, Great Reed Warbler 2, Red-backed Shrike 25+, Lesser Grey Shrike 2, Masked Shrike 1, Hoopoe 1, Golden Oriole 1, Red-footed Falcon 2 (m&f), Lesser Kestrel 1, Black-headed Bunting 40+, Spotted Flycatcher 80+, Little Bittern 1.
Acient Antissa – LEVANT SPARROWHAWK 1 (m).
Nr Ipsilou – LEVANT SPARROWHAWK 1 (f), Red-footed Falcon 1 (f).
Tsiknias River – CITRINE WAGTAIL 1.
Nr Mesotopos – OLIVE TREE WARBLER 2, Golden Oriole.
Faneromeni River – Little Bittern 1.
Sigri – Eleanora’s Falcon 1, Lesser Kestrel 25+, 1 Stone-curlew.
Kalloni Mini Soccer – Scops Owl 1 - bird still in the fifth roadside tree from the mini soccer pitch entrance but can only be seen from along the road or safer(!) from the track opposite the soccer pitch entrance. It is c.7m up the tree and quote difficult to see. Honey-buzzard 1.
Nr Sigri/Eresos junction – Great Spotted Cuckoo.
Kalloni Saltpans – White-winged Black Tern 67, Whiskered Tern 15, Little Stint 50+, Ruff 80+.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Temminck's Stint 1, Turnstone 3, Tawny Pipit 2, Red-footed Falcon 2, Black Stork 2.
Panagia – Little Bittern 1.
Skala Kallonis Pool – Little Bittern 1, White Stork 1, Squacco Heron 3.
Voulgaris River – Ruddy Shelduck pr with 10 young.
Pasiphae Hotel grounds – Long-eared Owl 2.
Thanks to everyone for their records and for those who enter theirs in the Hotel Pasiphae bird log.
2 May 08 - A right bonny day
Weather: fine and sunny with virtually no wind. Max. temp c. 28 C.
Yesterday, unconfirmed report of the fifth BLUE-CHEEKED BEE-EATER of the spring at Sigri.
Today’s highlights -
Platania – BONELLI’S EAGLE 1 (sub-ad), OLIVE TREE WARBLER 1 still.
Kalloni Bandstand – LEVANT SPARROWHAWK 1 (f), Honey-buzzard 1, Goshawk 1 (m), Black Stork 1.
Metochi Lake – BAILLON’S CRAKE 1, Little Crake 4, Little Bittern 4, Squacco Heron 7, Purple Heron 1, Whiskered Tern 3. No sign of the Spotted Crake.
Kalloni Saltpans area - SPUR-WINGED PLOVER 1, Gull-billed Tern 1, Red-footed Falcon 3, Collared Pratincole 5, Red-throated Pipit 3, Short-toed Lark 4, Ruddy Shelduck 16, Black Stork 1, Whiskered Tern 2, White-winged Black Tern 7.
Lardia Valley – Eastern Bonelli's Warbler 1 singing at eastern end below the Crag Martin outcrop.
Faneromeni area – Red-breasted Flycatcher 1, Collared Flycatcher 1.
Meladia River Ford – River Warbler 1, Collared Flycatcher 1.
Napi Valley – Thrush Nightingale 1.
Skala Kallonis – Honey-buzzard 1 over Hotel Pasiphae c.8.45 am.
Achladeri – Kruper’s Nuthatch showing well.
Kalloni Mini Soccer – Scops Owl 1 - bird still in the fifth roadside tree from the mini soccer pitch entrance but can only be seen from along the road or safer(!) from the track opposite the soccer pitch entrance. It is c.7m up the tree and quote difficult to see.
Petra Reservoir area – reservoir now drained with only a puddle of a pool remaining. River Warbler 1 (nr main road), Temminck’s Stint 4, Red-backed Shrike 6+, Bee-eater 40+.
Molivos – River Warbler 1.
Tsiknias River – Temminck’s Stint 3.
Skala Kallonis - Long-eared Owl 2 at Hotel Pasiphae.
Thanks to everyone for their records and for those who enter their records in the Hotel Pasiphae bird log.
1 May 08 - A slow day!

Weather: fine and sunny, no cloud, light southerly wind. Max. temp. c.28 C.
Today's highlights -
Kalloni Saltpans - LEVANT SPARROWHAWK 1.
Skala Kallonis Pool - CITRINE WAGTAIL 1 male (early morning, presumed same on Tsiknias River in afternoon), Squacco Heron 2.
Tsiknias River - CITRINE WAGTAIL 1 male (afternoon, presumed same on Skala Kallonis Pool in morning), Sandwich Tern 3 (at mouth), Gull-billed Tern 1, Bar-tailed Godwit 1, Night-heron 1, Lesser Grey Shrike 1.
Metochi Lake area - BAILLON'S CRAKE 1, Eleanora's Falcon 2, Spotted Crake 1, Little Bittern 3, Night-heron 2, Little Crake 2+, Whiskered Tern 5.
Kalloni Saltworks entrance - Tawny Pipit 2. Collared Pratoncole 15, Red-footed Falcon 5. No sign of Spur-winged Plover.
Skala Kallonis - Gull-billed Tern 12 offshore.
River Christou - Red-footed Falcon 2, Purple Heron 1, Temminck's Stint 25, Red-throated Pipit 1, Stone-curlew 2, Peregrine 1.
Makara - Yelkouan Shearwater 100+.
Thanks to everyone for their records and for those who enter theirs in the Hotel Pasiphae bird log.