8 May 08 - update

Fine and sunny.

Today's highlights -

Sadly, very little reported for today.

Kalloni Saltpans - SPUR-WINGED PLOVER 2, Osprey 1, Black Tern 10, Red-footed Falcon 11, Collared Pratincole 5, Lesser Grey Shrike 1.

Skala Kallonis - River Warbler 2 (one by west end of pool, other by Pasiphae Hotel).

Tsiknias River - Grey Plover 4, Whiskered Tern 1.

Metochi - Little Bittern, Night-heron.

Reporting your sightings
I left the island today and it would be great to keep the records coming in and keep these daily summaries as complete and as interesting as possible. Please send me your records direct to -
steve at toadsnatcher dot com

Again, thanks to everyone who has supplied reocrds over the last three weeks. I know from feedback from birders coming out here the updates have been greatly appreciated by many. I'd like pay particular thanks to Bob Buckler, Wingspan Bird Tours, for his help and enthusiasm over the last few weeks.