30 April - change over day - slow for birds!
29 April - Rock Thrush and Olive-tree Warblers
Griffon Vulture - no news today.
Ipsilou - ROCK THRUSH male (on north slope between track up to monastery and the Sigri road).
Faneromeni area - ROLLER 1, Spotted Crake 1, Night-heron, Little Bittern 1, Icterine Warbler, Red-backed Shrike 2, Redstart 1.
Sigri Old Sanitorium - Icterine Warbler, Chukar (no news of Rufous Bush Robin).
Meladia Valley - ROLLER 1, Montagu's Harrier 4, Red-footed Falcon 1, Icterine Warbler 1, Redstart 1, Orphean Warbler 1, Chukar 2, Chiffchaff 1, Golden Oriole.
Kavacki (nr Petra) - Rupell's Warbler 1, Ortolan Bunting 1, Audouin's Gull 1.
Kalloni Saltpans (and surrounding fields) - CITRINE WAGTAIL 2 (male & female in flooded field down east track), PALLID HARRIER 2, Tawny Pipit 2, Spoonbill 3, Black Tern 3, Red-footed Falcon 5, Whiskered Tern 25, Little Gull 1, Pintail 1.
Tsiknias River - Gull-billed Tern 5, Slender-billed Gull 4, Mediterranean 3, Whiskered Tern 1.
Skala Kallonis Pool - Purple Heron 1, Garganey 3.
Skala Eresou - Eleonora's Falcon 1.
Polichnitos Saltpans - ROLLER 1.
Metochi Lake - Little Bittern 2, Little Crake 2 (m&f).
Griffon Vulture - third day running
Madaros - GRIFFON VULTURE again between 1140-1220h at least and for the third day running on the island. On Sunday it was seen at both Eresos and Agiasos, and the last two days at this site.
Tsiknias River - GREAT SNIPE 1 500m north of the Kalloni road bridge. Slender-billed Gull 4, Mediterranean Gull 2, Sandwich Tern 1, Black-headed Buntings, Red-footed Falcon 4. Lesser Grey Shrike, Red-backed Shrike, Squacco Heron 2.
Skala Kallonis Pool - BAILLON'S CRAKE 1, Great Bittern 1.
Kalloni Saltpans - CITRINE WAGTAIL female, Purple Heron 23 (flock) north at 1800h, Pallid Harrier female, White-winged Black Tern 33, Whiskered Tern 6, Black-tailed Godwit 6.
Kavacki (nr Petra) - Ruppell's Warbler 2, Icterine Warbler 1, Subalpine and Orphean Warblers.
Metochi Lake - Little Crake 3.
Ipsilou - Eleonora's Falcon 2, Hobby 1, Short-toed Eagle 5+, Long-legged Buzzard 2, Wood Warbler 20+, Collared Flycatcher male, Pied Flycatcher 10+, Redstart 2, Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Lesser Whitethroat, Golden Oriole.
Sigri Old Sanitorium - RUFOUS BUSH ROBIN 1 in dry river bed, Lesser Grey Shrike 1, Red-backed Shrike 1, Great Reed Warbler 3.
Petrified Forest Road - Montagu's Harrier male, Lesser Kestrel, Chukar.
Meladia River Ford/Plain - Icterine Warbler 3, Red-footed Falcon 3, Montagu's Harrier female, Lesser Kestrel, Orphean Warbler, Mallard 4 (!).
Christou River - Marsh Sandpiper 2.
Achladeri - Kruper's Nuthatch 2 (see earlier dates
Vouvaris River Bridge - Blue Rock Thrush 2 on crag above bridge.
Passerine movement still slow. A clear arrival of Great Reed and Icterine Warblers today. Wind now moved to SW so at least we've got rid of the northerly winds - but for how long?
CYPRUS WARBLER - no further sightings since the 25/4 sighting. The observers not believe they have photographs of a male and a female! More news as and when I get it.
27 April - Griffon Vulture again
Kalloni Town - LEVANT SPARROWHAWK 1 over
Tsiknias River - ROLLER 1, Black-headed Bunting 1, Red-backed Shrike male, Masked Shrike 2, Little Bittern 2, Slender-billed Gull 4, Mediterranean Gull 1.
Kalloni Saltpans - PALLID HARRIER 1 fem, Whiskered Tern 5, White-winged Black Tern 2, Lesser Grey Shrike 1, Curlew Sandpiper 40+, Eurasian Curlew 1.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Lesser Grey Shrike 1, Red-backed Shrike 1 male, Little Stint 50+, Wood Sandpiper 70+, Green Sandpiper 1, White Wagtail 4, Tawny Pipit 2. No sign of recent days Great Snipe despite extensive searching.
Alikoudi Pool - White-winged Black Tern 1, Black Stork 2.
Makara - Tawny Pipit 2.
Kalloni Mini Soccer Pitch - Scops Owl (see directions on 24 Apr).
Metochi Lake - Little Bittern 2.
Mesa Pool - Black Stork 6, Ruddy Shelduck 4.
Skala Kallonis Pool - Great Bittern 1.
Black-headed Buntings beginning to trickle in with at least half a dozen scattered across the island today. Seems ot be fewer and fewer birds arriving though!
26 April - Griffon Vulture & Bonelli's Eagle
Eresos - GRIFFON VULTURE to north
Eresos to Ipsilou - BONELLI'S EAGLE north at c.2pm.
Lardia Valley - Eastern Bonelli's Warbler - male still on territory.
Sigri - LANNER 1 took a jackdaw.
Faneromeni Ford - Collared Flycatcher 4, Spotted Crake 1 (very showy), Night-heron 2.
Sigri & Faneromeni Fields - Red-footed Falcon 51, Collared Flycatcher 2, Montagu's Harrier 1 male, lots of Golden Orioles.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Great Snipe (for second day)
Vatera - Roller 1, Eleanora's Falcon 1
Ipsilou - Rock Sparrow 3, Lesser Kestrel 1.
Meladia Valley - Collared Flaycatcher male, Sardinian Warbler male (nr chapel), Alpine Swift 100++, lots of Golden Orioles, Red-backed Shrike 1.
Potamia Valley - Red-breasted Flycatcher 1.
Kalloni mini soccer pitch (Scops Copse) - Scops Owl 1 (still in same tree), Golden Oriole 3, Black-headed Bunting.
Alikoudi Pool - Lesser Grey Shrike 1.
Cinerous Buntings seen today around the Eresos/Sigri road junction, Ipsilou, Meladia Valley and between Agra and Mesotopos.
For the second day running lots of Bee-eaters and Golden Orioles going through. Lots of Wood Warblers and Pied and Spotted Flycatchers in the west, but relatively few migrant passerines.
25 April - Cyprus Warbler!
Otherwise, its been a relatively quiet day for passerine migrants with nothing of particular note reported. A few good raptors reported in the morning as the wind dropped overnight and we had only a nlight northerly and clear blue skies for the whole day.
Kalloni Saltpans - White-winged Black Tern 19, Whiskered Tern 1. Usual waders (fewer than yesterday though).
Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint (bandstand) - Goshawk 1 male, Short-toed Eagle 5+, Long-legged Buzzard 2.
Potamia - GOLDEN EAGLE 1 reported near Anetomia.
Kalloni Mini Soccer Pitch (Scops Copse) - Scops Owl, still in fifth roadside tree from right hand entrance/exit.
Fields around Kalloni Saltpans (inc. flooded fields opp. saltoworks entrance) - PALLID HARRIER 1 fem enjoyed by many birders this evening. Glossy Ibis 70+, Purple Heron 2, Great White Egret 3, Garganey 3, White Stork 1, Common Snipe 1, Marsh Harrier 5+, Montagu's Harrier 3+.
Kavaki (nr Petra) - Eleanora's Falcon 1 dark bird, Ruppell's Warbler 3+ males seen today bewteen layby by disco and upper layby, Orphean Warblers 5+, Blue Rock Thrush. Chukar.
Petra Reservoir - now full again after repairs over the winter. Bee-eater 100+, Ruddy Shelduck 2, Tree Pipit 1 (one of few migrants seen on north coast today).
Eftalou to Skala Sikaminias - very quiet. Black-headed Bunting 1, lots of Turtle Doves, a few Whinchat then no other migrants apart form breeding birds. Very few Cretzcshmar's Buntings. Long-legged Buzzard 1.
Skala Kallonis Pool - Great Bittern 1, Garganey 4.
Tsiknias River - Citrine Wagtail 1.
Metochi Lake - Little Bittern 5, Little Crake 4, Short-toed Eagle 7+.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Great Snipe 1, Citrine Wagtail 1, Tawny Pipit 2.
Meladia Valley - Great Spotted Cuckoo (nr chapel nr ford), Collared Flycatcher 1.
Possibly more news to follow for today as most birders avoiding the hotel tonight due to a big, fat, Greek wedding party going on to the wee hours! Check back for more news from today, tomorrow night.
24 April - pipits, harriers, ibis and a Levant Sparrowhawk
Pasiphae Hotel - Wryneck 1.
Metochi Lake - Little Crake 3 fem, Little Bittern m&f, Great Reed Warbler.
Kalloni Mini Soccer Pitch - Scops Owl. Once inside the car park, the bird is in the fifth tree from right hand (northern) entrance/exit. On the right hand side of the trunk just below the main trunk fork.
Achladeri - Kruper's Nuthatch - male using last years nest just beyond and of the white building (shattered trunk with wire across top). Male appears unpairs. Long-eared Owl reportedly still breeding here but couldnt find today.
Mesa Wetland - Ruddy Shelduck 7, Osprey 1 (later on saltpans), Great White Egret 1.
Kalloni Saltpans - Gull-billed Tern 12+, Spotted Redshank, Stone-curlew 2, Temmincks Stint 3.
Fields around saltpans (inc. flooded fields opp saltworks entrance) - Spur-winged Plover (SW of pans) seen in morning only. Glossy Ibis 80+, Whiskered Tern 33, White-winged Black Tern 5, Collared Pratincole 11, Montagu's Harrier 3+, Long-legged Buzzard 1.
Alykes Wetlands - Ruddy Shelduck 11, Black Stork 3, Raven 20 over to east, Collared Pratincole 8 (prob part of above 11), Short-toed Lark 6+, Short-eared Owl 1, Tawny Pipit 1, Ringed Plover 2, Kentish Plover 2, Wood Sandpiper 50+, Red-throated Pipit 100+(1).
Faneromeni - Black-headed Bunting 1 male.
Meladia River - Great Spotted Cuckoo 1.
Christou (Kamares) River - Temminck's Stint 1, Wood Sandpiper 20+, Stone-curlew 2, Little Ringed Plover 2, Kentish Plover 1, Squacco Heron 6, White Stork 2 over, Glossy Ibis 18 over, Black Stork 2 over, Short-toed Eagle 2, Hobby 1, Peregrine 1, Red-throated Pipit 10+.
Kavacki (laybys nr Petra) - Rupell's Warbler 1, Blue Rock Thrush 2, Peregrine 1.
Skala Kallonis Pool - Great Bittern 1, Song Thrush 1, Great Reed Warber 1.
23 April - Caspian Plover
From the Pasiphae Hotel bird log for today.
Kalloni Saltpans (area) - CASPIAN PLOVER 1 female reported (no details), Spur-winged Plover 1, White-winged Black Tern 3, Whiskered Tern 2, Marsh Sandpiper 1, Temmincks Stint 2, Montagu's Harrier 3, CITRINE WAGTAIL 2 (m&f), Red-throated Pipits (lots) (all High Peak RSPB group).
Faneromeni area - CITRINE WAGTAIL 2, Collared Flycatcher (sev) plus lots of Pied and Spotted Flycatchers (Naturetrek).
Nr Kalloni Saltpans - Spur-winged Plover (SW of pans), Black-headed Bunting 1 male.
22 April - Great Spotted Cuckoo 3, Citrine Wagtail 2
Overcast morning with rain nearly the whole afternoon.
Faneromeni - CITRINE WAGTAIL 2, White Wagtail 2, Yellow Wagtail 15+, Squacco Heron 1, Golden Oriole 3, Long-Legged Buzzard 2, Collared Flycatcher 4, Spotted Flycatcher 10+, Great Reed Warbler 2, Common Sandpiper 1, Great Spotted Cuckoo 1.
Tsiknias River - Spur-winged Plover 1 (presumed same on Kalloni Saltpans)
Nr Mesotopos - Great Spotted Cuckoo 2.
Nr Sigri - Lesser Kestrel 30+, Cinereous Bunting 1.
Nr Metochi Lake - Bee-eater 15+.
Lesvos Bird Records Committee (LBRC)
- to maintain an official list of birds recorded on Lesvos
- to encourage visiting birders to submit bird records, in particular
- Greek national rarities to HRC- Local Lesvos rarities to LBRC
- Records of breeding birds on Lesvos
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The Committee’s members are -
More about the role of the Committee, submitted records, the species covered by LBRC and about the LBRC members can be found on the LBRC website.
You can contact the LBRC by email at lesvosbirdrecords@gmail.com.
21 April - Citrine Wagtail heads the bill
Faneromeni - CITRINE WAGTAIL 1, White Wagtail 2, Yellow Wagtail 15+, Bee-Eater 50+, Masked Shrike 1, Golden Oriole 1, lots of Pied and Spotted Flycatchers.
Metochi Lake - Little Bittern 1 male, Little Crake 1 female.
Tsiknias River - Red-footed Falcon 2 (per Donald Rhodes).
20 April - Pallid Harrier and Great Spotted Cuckoo
Some news from Donald & Jennifer Rhodes and Christine Jung & Mathias Schäf (welcome guys!).
Weather overcast but warm, sunshine from mid-afternoon onwards.
Polichnitos Saltpans - PALLID HARRIER 1 adult female, Stone-curlew 1, Black Stork 1, Hoopoe 2, Pall, Montagu's Harrier 1 femalem Yellow Wagtails 200+.
Meladia Valley - Great Spotted Cuckoo, Common Cuckoo, Red-breasted Flycatcher (both near the Chapel), Cinereous Bunting. Lots of Spotted and Pied Flycatchers.
Potamia Valley - Short-toed Eagle, Long-legged Buzzard and two poss. Booted Eagles.
Ancient Antissa - Barred Warbler, White Wagtail.
Alykes Wetlands - Glossy Ibis c.35, Spotted crake 1
The Hotel Pasiphae bird log has the usual things, but Bee-eaters and a Red-backed Shrike at Sigri [for 19/4]. No reports of Black-headed Buntings yet [too early] and no Little Bittern.
Late news for Sunday 19/4, 6 Red-footed falcons hawking around the River Tsiknias ford.
19 April - Whiskered Tern and waders
Tskinias River - 6 Red-footed Falcons hawking around the ford.
Kallonis Saltpans - Whiskered Tern 1, increased numbers of Wood Sandpipers and Little Stints, Stone-curlews, Mute Swan 4, both Black and White Storks.
Almiropotamos River (Lisvorio) (just north of Poli Saltpans) - a late Green Sandpiper.
18 April - Lanner Falcon and Krüper’s Nuthatch update
Mesa Wetland - LANNER FALCON 1
Achladeri Forest - Krüper’s Nuthatch is nesting in the same shattered tree as last year (with sharp point and the electric cabling around the top of it). Its just up and to left from the white building. Long-eared Owl - nesting in the same area just to the right of the white building. Also Masked Shrike in residence as usual by the white building.
River Tsiknias - Slender-billed Gull 1, Mediterranean Gull 4, Sandwich Tern 1, Grey Plover 2, Great Warbler 1, lots of Common Nightingales.
Donald & Jennifer Rhodes saw the following out west -
Meladia Valley - A single crake sp (possibly Baillon's) at the ford; Chukar, Long-legged Buzzard, Sedge and Icterine Warblers, Woodlark .
Sigri & Faneromeni Fields area - Collared Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher and Spotted Flycatchers (latter everywhere), White Wagtail 1.
17 April - migrants trickling through
Water levels - higher than spring 2006 and too deep for waders in many areas. This shouldn't be a problem as levels should begin to drop now and high levels will still attract more species and waders will be concentrated in the shallow areas.
Metochi Lake - Little (3) and Spotted (1) Crakes, Short-toed Eagle (high over - the only raptor seen today)
Alykes Wetlands - Red-throated Pipit 1, Tawny Pipit 2, Yellow Wagtails (lots).
Kalloni Saltpans - Glossy Ibis, Ruddy Shelduck.
Potamia Valley - Night-heron 4, Purple Heron 1 plus Blue Rock Thrush (2) plus Masked and Woodchat Shrikes between between road the river bridge
Other news - Whinchats all over the place! A few Wood Sandpiper, a couple of Blackcaps, many Whitethroats and many Purple Heron; never seen as many Moorhen on Metochi Lake!
Down at Polichnitos Saltpans in recent days (15th & 16th), Terry Robinson has had plenty of waders with up to 76 Little Stints, 36 Ruff, 17 Kentish Plovers and 8 Wood Sandpipers as well as up to 7 Glossy Ibis. Passerines have included passage Northern and Black-eared Wheatears and Tawny Pipits.
Spring 2009 daily updates
I know last year many staying on the island, and more so those due to come out, found these updates both interesting and very useful.
My own daily updates from the island will commence on 24th Apr, but if you're on the island from this week, then I really do need your records! I aim to have the website updated between 11-12pm each evening.
Last year quite a lot of folk contributed to these updates. If you're on the island then you can provide your own records of more interesting sightings as follows -
HOTEL PASIPHAE BIRD LOG - anyone can call into the hotel to read/record their sightings in the hotel bird log on the main reception desk. Please inc. your name and email address or mobile number on at least one of your entries in order for me to contact you if I need to.
There will also be a print out of previous days Lesvos Birding summary by the log.
I (and many other birders) should be around the bar/reception area most evenings from around 10-10.30pm to c.11.30pm for a drink and chat. Failing that I can usually be found at either Dionysos or Ambrosia tavernas in Skala Kallonis between 8-10pm.
SMS/TEXT - text me your daily summary on +44 (0) 7 767 787 287. Please inc. your name at the end of the message. Species, numbers, location is really all that is needed. Times for really rare species (e.g. time of a flyover rare raptor helps to track birds across the island) might be useful (please no calls as this just costs me a fortune!).
EMAIL - you can email me your sightings to steve(at)toadsnatcher(dot)com. I'll be updating late evening, so anything arriving in my inbox by 10pm local time will be used.
What info should you include?
Records of all the scarcer and rare species (see checklist), movements of any raptor species, large falls of commoner species are all wanted. Updates on breeding activity of Kruper's Nuthatch is also helpful.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
Back to homepage.
Glossy Ibis
Citrine Wagtail and Glossy Ibis
News from Terry Robinson from this morning. Following rain all yesterday afternoon, birds a plenty around Polichnitos saltpans this morning. Star bird was the above male Citrine Wagtail. 9 Glossy Ibis in the roadside fields plus a couple of Water Pipits, two Red-throated Pipits, a Whinchat, a Squacco Heron, Ruff numbers have halved and Black-winged Stilts up to 33.
Wader passage picks up
The word 'complex' is a very good one for the Western Yellow Wagtail complex! As any visiting birder to the island can testify, Lesvos gets a bewildering array of 'forms' pass through in spring. A single flock can have half a dozen 'forms' in it. This 'superciliaris' type bird was present last week at Kalloni pans. Superciliaris is believed to be a thunbergii variant. The supercilium is not as clean as I've seen with some yellowing at the front which might indicate a hydrid.
Went to Kalloni saltpans this afternoon to look for the Spur-winged Plover but didn't find it, but Eleni's 'superciliaris' yellow wagtail was still present. Plenty of birds though - 191 Mediterranean Gulls, 288 Avocet, 51 Black-winged Stilts, 31 Black-tailed Godwits, 3 Greenshank, 1 Curlew and a Montagu's Harrier.
On nearby Alykes Wetlands (flooded) 300 Ruff, 8 Marsh Sandpipers, 4 Garganey.
We've also had a male Common Redstart in the garden this morning.
Early April water levels and migrants
Plenty of water here which will hopefully hold until the late month as long as coming weeks remain largely cloudy with some more rain. If that sun gets out day after day we might see a rapid drop.
Eleni Galinou (now living on Samos) has returned to the island for a while and along with Skala Polichnitou resident Terry Robinson, has sent me some photos of current water levels and a bit of bird news form this week.
Friday, 3 Apr
From Terry - Polichnitos Saltpans
A better day today, 3 Swallow, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 64 Ruff, 3 'Yellow' Wagtail, 7 Wood Sandpiper, 4 Grey Heron, 8 Little Ringed Plover, 29 Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Greenshank and a Hoopoe.
From Eleni - Kalloni Saltpans and surrounding fields
A Spur-winged Plover is in a field next to the saltpans all day. Also a Short-toed Eagle, 2 Black Storks, 1 Greenshank and 40 Ruff and 14 Little Ringed Plovers. I also had great views of a male supercilliaris Yellow Wagtail this morning - there are Yellow wagtails all over the place!
Thurs, 2 Apr
From Terry - Polichnitos Saltpans
7 Swallow, 2 Hoopoe, 3 Black-eared Wheatear, 1 Northern Wheatear, 4 Wood Sandpiper, 2 Ruff 2, 9 'Yellow' Wagtail and a Black Redstart.
Weds, 1 Apr
From Eleni - Kalloni Saltpans and surrounding fields
I finally arrived in Lesvos and we are suffering from Sahara dust clouds the last days.
There were 4 Glossy Ibises, 6 Garganey, 1 Pintail, 3 Little Egrets, 1 Great White Egret and 4 Ferrugineus Ducks on the saltpans, plus 142 Avocets and 40-45 Black-winged stilts.
Tues, 31 Mar
From Terry - Polichnitos Saltpans
2 Black-eared Wheatear pans this am, + 2 Hoopoe, 10 Yellow Wagtails, 2 Ruff, 1 Wood Sandpiper.
Sat, 28 Mar
From Terry - Polichnitos Saltpans
A better morning today, frosty start, calm conditions - 10 Ruff, 4 Little Ringed Plovers, 2 Swallows, 3 Northern Wheatear, 1 Wood Sandpiper, 5 Black-headed Wagtails, 1 Hoopoe and a Black Redstart still around.
I had a ride upto Skalla Kallonis area, a lot more migrants in up there than around Polichnitos pans.
At River Ali miropotamos (Lisvori) [the smelly river] Alpine Swift, Common Swift and 5 Red-rumped Swallows.
At Mesa wetland 6 Ruff, 1 Wood Sandpiper, 10+ Common Swifts.
Around Metochi Lake area, 16 Common Swift, 3 House Martins, 2 Alpine Swifts.
The Potamia res is overflowing and had an adult and a 1st win/sum Little Gulls and a Marsh Harrier.
Along the Tsiknias River 10+ Alpine Swifts, 60+ Common Swifts, Swallows and House Martins and a Black Stork.
If this still holds water at the end of the month it will definately be worth checking if you're passing.