News from Terry Robinson from this morning. Following rain all yesterday afternoon, birds a plenty around Polichnitos saltpans this morning. Star bird was the above male Citrine Wagtail. 9 Glossy Ibis in the roadside fields plus a couple of Water Pipits, two Red-throated Pipits, a Whinchat, a Squacco Heron, Ruff numbers have halved and Black-winged Stilts up to 33.
Citrine Wagtail and Glossy Ibis
News from Terry Robinson from this morning. Following rain all yesterday afternoon, birds a plenty around Polichnitos saltpans this morning. Star bird was the above male Citrine Wagtail. 9 Glossy Ibis in the roadside fields plus a couple of Water Pipits, two Red-throated Pipits, a Whinchat, a Squacco Heron, Ruff numbers have halved and Black-winged Stilts up to 33.