23 - 26 May 2010
21 - 22 May 2010 - lots more Rosy Starlings
Thank you . . .
Several folk texted or emailed me their news most days during their stay on the island to add to the log and daily web updates. So again, particular thanks to Paul Manning, Steven Wytema, Hein Prinsen, Will Bowell, Lee Amery, Mark Hawkes, Paul Doherty, Ian Ford, Killian Mullarney and Terry Robinson.
20 May 2010 - Rose-coloured Starlings
19 May 2010 - late arrivals
18 May 2010 - Red-necked Phalaropes
17 May 2010 - Booted Eagle
A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos - thanks for the thanks!
This spring saw A Birdwatching Guide to Lesvos used in anger for the time. Whilst I've been more than happy with the reviews of the book, I was on tenterhooks leading up to this spring cos its what you guys, those using it on Lesvos, think about my book that matters to me most. You are the folk I wrote it for and yours are the views that matter most to me.
So, for the last month I've been overwhelmed by the number of you who came up to me, texted or emailed me, to say how much you were enjoying using my book and thanking me for writing it.
This email below, from a couple I met at Achladeri on their last day (they were on the way to the airport), epitomises the reaction I got from birders this spring.
Pim & Stuart (New Zealand)
So thank you Pim & Stuart, and thank you everyone. I've been blown away by your comments.
For more comments and reviews see here.
Update 13 - 16 May 2010
Weather forecast overnight is for storm, rain, high winds and sea already pushed up high. Below, the Christou River estuary is already flooded.

12 May 2010 - Rufous-tailed Rock-thrush
11 May 2010 - more Broad-billed Sandpipers
Alikoudi Pool – BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER 6 (Steve & Liz Dudley), Curlew Sandpiper 10, Little Stint 31, Grey Plover 3, Ringed Plover 3, Kentish Plover 18, Ruff 3, Little Egret 4, Grey Heron 1.
!! The water levels here are fine and the pool is still being fed by a stream so this pool looks good for coming days/week(s).
Kalloni Saltpans Flood – Whiskered Tern 2, Black-tailed Godwit 1, Little Stint 13, Ruff 2, Glossy Ibis 1, Squacco Heron 1, Ruddy Shelduck 14, Black Stork 1, Collared Pratincole 2.
!! Water levels dropping fast. The trackside pool is the only standing water and I suspect this will continue to drop rapidly.
Tsiknias River – Ortolan Bunting 1.
Molivos - Bee-eater 120+ over to north late pm.
Kavaki - Ruppell's Warbler 2 singing males, Crag Martin, Red-rumped Swallow, Red-backed Shrike.
Sigri Sanatorium - Lesser Grey Shrike 1.
Faneromeni - Nightjar 3 churring and one seen, Rufous Bush Robin 5 singing males, Golden Oriole, Night-heron, Squacco Heron, Little Bittern, Yelkouan Shearwater 2000+ per hour, Scopoli's Shearwater 3.
Vouvaris River Mouth - Black Stork 2.
Vafios - Scops Owl 3 calling.
10 May 2010 - Black Kite and bits and bobs
9 May 2010 - Richard's Pipit
8 May 2010 - Eleonora's Falcons return
7 May - Broad-billed Sandpiper
6 May 2010 - White Pelican
5 May 2010 - Rock Bunting reported
4 May 2010 - slowing down
Sigri Fields / Faneromeni area – SPUR-WINGED PLOVER 1, Hawfinch 1, Collared Flycatcher 1, Collared Pratincole 1, Whiskered Tern 2, Purple Heron 1, Little Bittern 4, Squacco Heron 1, Bee-eater 4+, Alpine Swift 6, Yelkouan Shearwater 1000+, Scopoli's Shearwater 2, Ringed Plover 1.
Platania - Olive-tree Warbler 3 singing.
Meladia Valley – Rufous Bush Robin 2, Collared Flycatcher 4, Icterine Warbler 1, Golden Oriole 1, Redstart 1, Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher, Little Bittern 7, Squacco Heron 1, Night-heron 2, Little Crake 1.
Sigri Old Sanatorium – Collared Flycatcher 1, Rufous Bush Robin 1, Woodchat Shrike 3, Red-backed Shrike 2.
Perivolis Monastery - Ortolan Bunting, Cinereous Bunting, Serin, Alpine Swifts 2, Golden Oriole, Middle Spotted Woodpecker.
Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint - Ortolan Bunting, Montagu's Harrier, Short-toed Eagle 2, Goshawk 2, Black Stork.
Agios Fokas – Audouin’s Gull 1, Grey Plover 2, Turnstone 12, Ringed Plover 1, dead Leatherjacket Turtle.
Parakila Marsh - Purple Heron 10.
Hotel Pasiphae garden, Skala Kallonis - Collared Flycatcher 1.
Soumouria (Scops Copse) - Scops Owl still in tree by bins.
Pandeleimonas - Eleanora's Falcon 1, Common Redshank 1.
Ipsilou - Collared Flycatcher 2.
Kalloni Saltpans (inc. flooded fields opposite saltworks entrance, etc) - Garganey 2, Turnstone 1, Curlew Sandpiper 4, Ringed Plover 5.
Vouvaris River bridge - Collared Flycatcher 1, Serin 1.
Mavria (Napi Valley - to masts at top of valley) - Olive-tree Warbler, Red-footed Falcon 3, Long-legged Buzzard 4, Orphean Warbler, Middle Spotted Woodpecker.
3 May 2010 - Moustached Warbler
2 May 2010 - Black-winged Pratincole
Lotzaria - SPUR-WINGED PLOVER 2 (near Tsiknias River mouth) (MO)