16 May 2010
Kalloni Saltpans - Red-footed Falcon 1, Whiskered Tern, Great White Egret 2.
Mesa - Great White Egret 5, Black Stork 4.
15 May 2010
Kalloni Saltpans (inc. remaining flooded field opp works entrance) - Gull-billed Tern 2, Red-footed Falcon 3, Great White Egret 5, Black-tailed Godwit 1, Glossy Ibis 2, Lesser Grey Shrike 1, Rufous Bush Robin 3, Short-toed Lark (in song on territory).
Anaxos - Alpine Swift 15 over offshore island.
Weather forecast overnight is for storm, rain, high winds and sea already pushed up high. Below, the Christou River estuary is already flooded.

Christou River © Paul Manning
14 May 2010
Tsiknias River - Citrine Wagtail 1.
Kalloni Saltpans area (inc. remaining flooded field opp works entrance) - Citrine Wagtail 1 (same as above), Whiskered Tern 1, Black-tailed Godwit 1, Glossy Ibis 2, White Stork 6.
Christou River - Gull-billed Tern 2.
Agiasos Sanatorium area - Kruper's Nuthatch, Komper's Orchid 12 spikes, Holmboel's Orchid.
Kalloni Raptor Watchpoint - Eleonora's Falcon 5, Goshawk displaying, Short-toed Eagle 4, Long-legged Buzzard 6.
13 May 2010
Metochi Lake - Little Bittern 2.
Tsiknias River - Little Crake 1, Little Bittern 1.
Kalloni Saltpans (inc. remaining flooded field opp works entrance) - Great White Egret 5, Black Stork 2, Black-tailed Godwit 1, Glossy Ibis 4, Ruddy Shelduck 20.