September bird news

It seems that they might be working the saltpans at Polichnitos after all which is good news for autumn wader watching.

Recent news -

Kallonis Saltpans - Osprey 1, Eleonora's Falcon 4.

Palia Vigla Chapel
- Red-footed Falcon 2 to south.

Kallonis Saltpans - RED-NECKED PHALAROPE 1 (Rob Lucking).
Polichnitos Saltpans
- Eleonora's Falcon 2, Common Swift 2, plus Bee-eaters and hirundines moving through
Vatera - Red-footed Falcon 1
Sigri - Lesser Kestrel 2.
Efthalou - BOOTED EAGLE 1 (to S), Eleonora's Falcon (1 to S), Black Kite 1 (to S), Marsh Harrier 1 (to S) (Albert Vrielink).

Kallonis Saltpans - RED-NECKED PHALAROPE 1 (& 27/09) (Rob Lucking), Marsh Sandpiper 2.

Prof Ilias - Lesser Spotted Eagle 1, Booted Eagle 1, Honey-buzzard 25, Marsh Harrier 1, Hobby 1, Common Kestrel 1, European Sparrowhawk 1.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Eleonora's Falcon 3, Red-footed Falcon 1, Great White Egret 36, Spoonbill 6.

Polichnitos Saltpans - Whiskered Tern 22.

Polichnitos Saltpans - Spoonbill 3, Black Stork 20.

Polichnitos Saltpans - Spoonbill 3, Great White Egret 2, Turnstone 1.

Almyropotamos River, Vatera - Honey-buzzard 4.
Teparia - Quail 1.
Skala Polichnitou - Garden Warbler 8 ringed at garden site in last week.

Btwn Achladeri and Skala Vasilikon - DOTTEREL 1 (if accepted only the third record for Lesvos).
Polichnitos Saltpans
- Montagu's Harrier 1, Marsh Harrier 1, Spoonbill 2, Slender-billed Gull 2, Garden Warbler 2.

Lotzaria (btwn Tsiknias R and saltpans) - Roller 1, Common Cuckoo 1, Lesser Grey Shrike 1, Great Reed Warbler 1, yellow wagtails 500+, Chiffchaff 2, plus lots of Northern Wheatears, Whinchat, Spotted Flycatchers, Willow Warblers.
Makara - Hoopoe 1, Chukar 12.

Vafios - btwn 1100-1230 - Lesser Spotted Eagle 1, Levant Sparrowhawk 1, Black Kite 4, European Sparrowhawk 1, Long-legged Buzzard 8, Short-toed Eagle 3, Black Stork 6.
Perasma Reservoir - Garganey 1, Mallard 4, Black Stork 5, Common Snipe 1, Little Grebe 103, Coot 18, Short-toed Eagle 1 - no sign of Red-necked Grebe.
Lotzaria (btwn Tsiknias R and saltpans) - Roller 1, Common Cuckoo 1.
Kalloni Saltpans - Whiskered Tern 1 ad, Ruff 1, Greenshank 6, Redshank 11, Little Stint 9, Avocet 230+.

Lardia Valley - Crag Martin 14.
Pithariou Reservoir - Crag Martin 8, Black Stork 1.
Ipsilou - Common Redstart 1, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Common Whitethroat 1, Rock Sparrow 4, Chukar 10.
Molivos - Black Kite 3 (to S).

Perasma Reservoir - RED-NECKED GREBE 1 adult (7th record) (Adam Dudley), Garganey 1.
Molivos - Black Kite 3 (to S).
Lotzaria (btwn Tsiknias R and saltpans)
- Roller 1, Common Cuckoo 1, Red-footed Falcon 1, tree Pipit 1 (plus lots of common migrants).
Achladri Forest - Kruper's Nuthatch heard at the picnic site but not seen, Short-toed Treecreeper, Short-toed Eagle 2.
Kalloni Saltpans - Stone-curlew 2.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Spoonbill 2, Marsh Sandpiper 12, Curlew Sandpiper 4, Dunlin 5, Little Stint 7, Turnstone 1, Ruff 1, Black-winged Stilt 3, Greater Flamingo 7, Sandwich Tern 6, Mediterranean Gull 43.
Fields north of Polichnitos Saltpans - Ortolan Bunting 1, 'yellow' wagtails 500+, Tawny Pipit 1, plus lots of Northern Wheatears, Whinchat and Spotted Flycatchers.

Faneromeni - PLAIN TIGER BUTTERFLY 1 (Steve Dudley, Lu Carbyn, Jaynne Carre), Lesser Grey Shrike 3.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Whiskered Tern 2, Slender-billed Gull 2.
Petrified Forest area
- Rock Sparrow 4, Goshawk 1 (to S), Marsh Harrier 4 (to S).
Ipsilou - Golden Oriole 1, Rock Sparrow 21, Lesser Kestrel 1, Common Nightingale 1, Pied Flycatcher 2.
Kalloni Saltpans - Avocet 600+.

Lotzaria (btwn Tsiknias R and saltpans) - Roller 1, Common Cuckoo 1, Lesser Grey Shrike 2 (plus lots of common migrants).
Skoutaros - Booted Eagle 2, Honey-buzzard 1.
Tsiknias River
- Purple Heron 1, Montagu's Harrier 1, Tawny Pipit 1.
Skala Kallonis - Night-heron 21 roosting behind Pasiphae Hotel, Honey-buzzard 1 (to S).
Christou (Kameras) River
- Black Stork 1, Marsh Harrier 1 (to S), Common Buzzard 6 (to S) (lots of common migrants).
Metochi - Tawny Pipit 2, Common Buzzard 8 (to S), Masked Shrike 1, Alpine Swift 6, Hoopoe 1.
Kalloni Saltpans - Stone-curlew 3, Black Stork 7, White-winged Black Tern 1.
Polichnitos Saltpans - Turnstone 1.

Prof Ilias - Lesser Spotted Eagle 1.
Nifida - Black Kite 10 (to S), Honey-buzzard 8 (to S), Lesser Grey Shrike 1.

10/09/10 - Polichnitos Saltpans
Black Kite 3 over, Common Buzzard 2, Short-toed Eagle 2, Bee-eater 10, Alpine Swift 3.

Polichnitos Saltpans - Black Kite 6 over, Green Sandpiper 1.
Nifida - Bee-eater 10

Metochi Lake - Night-heron 1.
Tsiknias River - Sandwich Tern 9.

Polichnitos Saltpans - Spoonbill 2, Marsh Sandpiper 1, Curlew Sandpiper 2, Short-toed Eagle 1.
Tsiknias River - Gull-billed Tern 1.
Kalloni Saltpans - Garganey 2.

Polichnitos Saltpans - Golden Plover 1.

Polichnitos Saltpans - Marsh Sandpiper 1, Spotted Redshank 3, Mediterranean Gull 1.

Tsiknias River - Gull-billed Tern 1.