What I hope will be the first of regular reports from Terry Robinson covers the last few days. Whilst many of us were enjoying Birdfair 2009, Terry was getting stuck into a saltpans full of all things water-loving – nice! His highlights are as follows –
Squacco Heron 1
Lettle Egret 33
Grey Heron 9
Spoonbill 2
Black Stork 6
White Stork 1
Greater Flamingo 2
Mallard 1
Garganey 8
Avocet 80+
Black-winged Stilt 60+
Stone-curlew 1
Ringed Plover 1
Little Ringed Plover 2
Kentish Plover 50+
Little Stint 30+
Curlew Sandpiper 5
Broad-billed Sandpiper 1 (above)
Redshank 80+
Greenshank 10+
Green Sandpiper 2
Black-headed Gull 150+
Mediterranean Gull 25+
Slender-billed Gull 1
Yellow-legged Gull 700+
Sandwich Tern 10+
Common Tern 20+
Little Tern 20+
Migrant passerines inc.
Yellow Wagtail 10+
White Wagtail 7
Whinchat 1
Northern Wheatear 2
Isabelline Wheatear 1
Black-eared Wheatear 2
Red-backed Shrike 1
Woodchat Shrike 3
Lesser Grey Shrike 2