This week was advertised as a full group holiday week with Oliva Rama Tours, but we have a number of places available for each day. Participation is on a full-day basis each day (no half-days available). Cost £70 (€80) per person per day inc. taverna lunch). Max. group size 6 each day.
Itinerary -
22 April - Achladeri Forest, Mesa Wetlands, Kalloni Saltpans, Tsiknias River
A full day searching for migrants around the Kalloni Gulf wetland sites and Krüper’s Nuthatch, Short-toed Treecreeper, Masked Shrike and other woodland species in Achladeri Forest.
23 April - Kavaki, Perasma, Molivos, North Coast, Napi Valley, Kalloni Saltpans
A full day looking for Rüppell’s Warbler, Blue Rock-thrush, Crag Martin and coastal migrants (Kavaki), wetland species and migrants (Perasma), migrants and residents (north coast and Napi Valley) and wetlands species at Kalloni Saltpans.
24 April - the west - Lardia Valley, Ipsilou, Sigri/Faneromeni area, Meladia Valley
A full day searching for migrants and resident specialties in the west. Species we will look for inc. breeding Cinereous Bunting, Isabelline Wheatear, Rock Sparrow, Chukar, Blue Rock-thrush, Rock Nuthatch, Crag Martin; migrant passerines inc. shrikes, warblers, flycatchers, etc.; raptors inc. Long-legged Buzzard, Short-toed Eagle, harriers, Lesser Kestrel and other migrant falcons (inc. Eleonora’s).
25 April - Tsiknias River, Kalloni Saltpans, Mesa Wetlands, Alikoudi Pool, Polichnitos Saltpans, Kalloni Saltpans
A full day searching for migrants around the Kalloni Gulf wetland sites.
26 April - the west - Lardia Valley, Ipsilou, Sigri/Faneromeni area, Meladia Valley
See 24 April.
27 April - Metochi Lake, Parakila Marsh, Makara, Tsiknias River, Kalloni Saltpans
A full day searching for migrants around the Kalloni Gulf wetland site and the Napi Valley.
Days, sites visited on any day, are subject to change depending on weather and birding!
For further details and bookings please contact Lesvos Birding here.
For more general information on day excursions see the main excursions page here.
See terms and conditions here.